Best Omaha Hi/Lo Starting Hands
These are the generally accepted best starting hands for Omaha Hi/Lo, aka Omaha Eight or Better. These startings hands become even stronger when the aces are accompanied by another card in the same suit, for a chance to draw to nut flush. For eg. As Ac 2s 3c would be one of the best starting hands possible. Additionally, when you have an Ace along with a King, Queen, or a Jack, you would want them all in the same suit in the perfect world, with a chance to draw to a straight/royal flush.
Ace Ace Two Three (AA23) |
Ace Ace Two X (AA2X) |
Ace Ace Three X (AA3X) |
Ace Two Three Four (A234) |
Ace Two Three X (A23X) |
Ace Two King King (A2KK)
Ace Two Queen Queen (A2QQ) |
Ace Three Four Five (A345) |
Ace Ace Four Five (AA45)
Ace Ace XX (AAXX) |
Ace Two Queen King (A2QK)
Ace Two King Jack (A2KJ)
Ace Two XX (A2XX) |
Ace Three King King (A3KK) |